Sample MCQ for CF

1)   Which one is used to group similar things together?

a.    Folder
b.    Files
c.     Record
d.    RAM

2)   Files are stored —
a.     Inside the processor
b.    On a disk in folders
c.     Inside sound card
d.    None of the above

3)   What is a folder?
a.    folder is a container on a disk where files can be stored
b.    Folder consists of all data in a computer stored as files
c.     Folder and files mean the same thing
d.    None of the above

4)   Which of the following can display a hierarchical representation of folders & files on a disk?
a.     Popup Menu
b.    Windows Explorer
c.     Title bar
d.    Start Button

5)   Operating system is ____________?

a.     an application software 
b.      a system software

6)   Which one of the following describes a computer’s operating system?
a. Software that can retrieve information from a database. b. Hardware that can scan and convert photographs into digital files.c. Software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware.d. Hardware that can record and send images across the Internet.

7)   Which of the following is a special type of programme which loads automatically when you start your computer?
a.     Internet Browser
b.    Database
c.     Operating System
d.    Calculator
8)   What are the 2 main classifications of software? 
a.    Application software and  Operating systems software
b.    Utility software and graphics software
c.      Gaming sxoftware and business software
d.     Traditional software and Internet based software

9)      Which one of the statements correctly completes the following sentence? A computer’s operating system
a.     does not control devices such as printers that are connected to the PC
b.    Is the hardware the computer uses to run software
c.     is not necessary on some very powerful personal computers
d.    Enables ALL the other programs to run.

10) What keyboard shortcut we can use to switch between open Windows?
a.  Ctr l+ C
b. Alt + F
c.  Alt + Tab
d. Alt + X

11) To delete files rather than sending them to the Recycle Bin we press
a.    Shift + Del
b.    Ctrl + Del
c.     Alt + Del
d.    Alt + F2

12)          To resize a window in two directions at once drag the mouse pointer
a.     Horizontally
b.    Vertically
c.     Diagonally
d.    None

13)          Which of the following options would allow us to customize the Windows Desktop background?
a.     Right Click Desktop → Properties → Desktop
b.    Right Click Desktop → Personalize → Desktop Background
c.     Start → Searching
d.    Right Click My Computer → Properties

14)          Which of the following items is/are included in the Windows Taskbar?
a.     Start button
b.    Icons representing the running programs
c.     Clock
d.    All of the above

15)          A Gigabyte consists of, approximately —
a.     One thousand Bytes
b.    One thousand Bits
c.     One thousand Megabytes
d.    One Hundred Kilobytes

16)          HTML stands for
a.     Hyper Text Making Language.
b.    Hidden Text Markup Language.
c.     Hotmail Text Markup Language.
d.    Hyper Text Markup Language

17)          In Windows Explorer, for displaying the contents of a certain drive or folder we need to
a.     Click the drive or folder while holding down the Alt key.
b.    Triple-click the drive or folder.
c.     Double-click the drive or folder.
d.    Right-click the drive or folder.

18)          We wish to search for all files that begin with the letters "Fi". Which of the following wildcard search should we use?
a.    Fi*
b.    *Fi*
c.     Fi??
d.    ?Fi?

19)          Keyboard shortcuts for ‘copy’ and ‘paste’-
a.     Ctrl +O, Ctrl +P
b.    Shift +C, Shift +P
c.     Ctrl +C, Ctrl +P
d.    Ctrl +C, Ctrl +V

20)          The file extension .WAV indicates a/an
a.     Web page
b.    Database file
c.     Audio file
d.    Image file

21)          Which file extension is used to indicate a picture file format?
a.    .jpg
b.    .Doc
c.     .Xls
d.    . mdb

22)          What is the keyboard shortcut for opening the “Start” menu?
a.     Shift + Esc
b.    Ctrl + Esc
c.     Alt + Esc
d.    Ctrl + Alt + Esc

23)          You can close an open window by pressing which keyboard shortcut?
a.     Esc
b.    Alt + F4
c.     Ctrl + F4
d.    Alt + Ctrl

24)          What is the main advantage of compressing files?
a.     Make a file suitable for use.
b.    Make a file smaller
c.     Transfer data faster
d.    All of the above

25)          What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around the slide?
a.     Highlighting
b.    Dragging
c.     Selecting
d.    Moving

26)          If the computer application you are working on has “frozen” what is the first thing you should do?
a.     Re-install the non-responding application
b.    Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete
c.     Turn off the PC’s power supply

d.    Select Exit from the application’s File menu.

Sample Important Questions for CF

1. What do you understand by PC, laptop and tablet PC
2. What is the difference between IBM PC and apple computer
3. How PDA works?
5. Computer performance depends on which factors?
6. What is computer memory ?describe any four computer memories
7. How many ways you can store data permanently into the computer?
8. Describe the use of any five input devices
9. Describe the use of five output devices
10. What is software? What is the function of Operating System?
11. Mention any five application programs and their operations.
12. Mention any four accessibility software and their operations.
13. Describe the network types
14. Explain the client/server networks with figure. What are the benefits of using client/server network?
15. What is Internet? What are the usefulness of using Internet?
16. What are the difference between Intranet and Extranet?
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of dial up and broadband services?
18. What is e commerce? Write the advantages and disadvantages of e commerce.
19. What is e learning? Write the advantages and disadvantages of e learning
20. Describe the term: E banking, E government.
21. What is Teleworking? Write the advantages and disadvantages of Teleworking
22. Describe any five technologies of online communications
23. Mention any five names of virtual communities
24. Which factors we should consider when using computer for long time
25. What is mean by Authentication/Identity
26. Why data security is necessary
27. What are the difference between complete backup and incremental backup?
28. Which issues you have to consider preventing data theft?
29. What is virus how can you protect your computer from virus?
30. What is copyright?
31. What are the copyright issues?
32. What do you understand by site license
33. Define the term: Shareware, Freeware, Open source
34. What is mean by Data Protection and Privacy issue? How can we maintain these?

File Explorer

File Explorer, previously known as Windows Explorer, is a file manager application that is included with releases of the Microsoft Windows operating system from Windows 95 onwards. It provides a graphical user interface for accessing the file systems. It has been updated in windows 10.

Drag & Drop

Drag and drop is a functionality by which users can select an object or a section of text and can move it to a desired location and "drop" it there. Drag and drop is a part of most graphical user interfaces, but is not found in all software.

Using the drag and drop method is intended to be simple for users to move or copy items. In order to perform this action, the user must highlight the text or select the object to be moved, then press and hold down the left mouse button to grab the object. The user then drags the object to the desired location, while still holding down the mouse button. When the mouse button is released, it "drops" the object in that location, either moving or copying it, depending on the program.

File & Folder

A file is the common storage unit in a computer. All programs and data are contained in a file, and the computer reads and writes files

A folder holds one or more files, and it can be empty with just a name.

What is IDB-BISEW IT Scholarship Project?

It is a technology skills development project under which the scholarship winners are provided with a year-long training on an IT discipline leading to a professional diploma.